Redefine Your Clinical Trial Recruitment Strategies with This Must-Read Report

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No two clinical trials – or clinical trial participants – are quite the same and Splash Clinical is passionate about improving outcomes for both. That’s why we do our research too, and recently surveyed over 500 study participants to understand real experiences, preferences, and motivations when it comes to clinical trials.

Our findings are now available in a new report called Patient-Centric Approaches to Clinical Trials. Here are just a few of the key takeaways that can help inform your future recruitment and retention strategies:

  • The most effective channels for recruitment.
  • Common barriers to participation & how to overcome them.
  • Preferences for trial communication, by demographic.
  • The impact of flexible scheduling & virtual visits on participation rates.
  • Insights on diversity & a breakdown of participation patterns.
  • There is no cost for this up-to-date look inside clinical trials and how you can adapt for success.

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